We are pleased to announce the winners of the Manx Harriers 100 Club for May as drawn during the recent Committee meeting.
Elizabeth Corrin £25.00
JDW Halsall £5.00
What is the 100 Club?
The Manx Harriers 100 Club was established in 1993 with the aim of raising club funds. It is a simple but yet very effective way of generating funds for Manx Harriers. In recent years the number of members has dropped, as renewals have not been made. Our objective is to get the numbers back up and hopefully achieve the ultimate aim of having all 100 tickets paid up.
The 100 Club is a monthly draw and prizes are awarded to those members whose tickets are drawn out. The size and number of prizes awarded depends on the number of paid up members e.g.; when there are over 70 members the monthly prizes are £25, £5 & £5. With fewer members the prizes are less (see above). In accordance with the Gaming, Betting & Lotteries Act (1988) we must ensure that 50% of the monies collected are awarded as prizes, with the rest going towards assisting Manx Harriers athletes to travel to the UK to compete in various events.
It only costs £10 pa to join if you use the bankers order form and £12 pa if you wish to pay by cash/cheque (payable to Manx Harriers). Please fill in the membership form and complete the bankers order form. In order to cut down on the administration prospective members are urged to use the bankers order form and have the payment made automatically each year.
For further information on the 100 Club please contact Ray Cox.