Manx Harriers invite you for lots of family fun at a Snail Race Night on Friday 18th November 2016 at 7.30pm at Vagabonds Club House, Ballafletcher, Douglas. The first race starts at 8pm.
Tickets in advance can be purchased from Andy Fox 626415, Petra Atchison 202394 and Jo Glassey 499118
Tickets are only £8.00 Adults £6.00 Children (16 and under) to include sausage and chips. The Vagabonds Clubhouse only holds 100, so tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis so be quick and get your tickets fast!
The bar will be open.
Some Manx Harriers Seniors will be given Race Sheets to get a sponsor (maybe their boss) and to sell the sheet, name the snails etc. Sponsors will get their names up in lights! Sponsors and snail names need to be sorted by 8th November.
If you are a parent who would like to take a sheet then please contact Andy Fox. One race will be auctioned on the night!
If you are an athlete then make sure you get your entire family involved.
This could be a great fundraiser so hopefully a big push by everyone will get us over the line!!