The English National Cross Country Championships take place at Wollaton Park, Nottingham on Saturday 25 February 2017.
These are a great set of races and a real experience for cross country runners. This is probably the biggest cross country meeting in the world when it comes down to numbers taking part and the standard of the competition in all age groups.
This year the race takes place at Wollaton Park, Nottingham. This venue has been used for the race once in the past and was also the regular venue for the Inter Counties Champs about a decade or so ago. It is a great course with flat fast sections, a hill and also some mud!!!
We have a trip going – it will require 2 nights stop over in Nottingham. We have 14 spaces on the trip!
Details below –
From To Flight Date Depart Arrive
Isle of Man Liverpool BE 609 FRI 24/02/17 18.30 19.20
Liverpool Isle of Man BE 819 SUN 26/02/17 17.25 18.10
The cost for the travel – Plane – will be £70 seniors and £50 juniors (under 18 and/or full time students). Please make cheques out to Manx Harriers.
Our Hotel is Park Inn by Radisson in Nottingham City Centre, Mansfield Road. The cost for 2 nights is approx. £65 in total. This may alter if we do not get 14 on the trip as it is worked out on full capacity. This does not include meals but I am sure you will agree it is a good deal for a city centre hotel. The hotel has gym, pool etc. so plenty to do if you want to use the facilities.
Accommodation Cheques need to be made out to Andy Fox.
Overall costs will be Juniors £115 and Seniors £135 for plane, hotel and bus travel. We will be taken to the Hotel by Lets Travel on Friday and the driver stay with us at the hotel until Sunday when he will take us back to the airport. Then on top of this, you will need money for food and spends – there will be running stalls at the venue with kit etc. on sale.
What you need to do now – let Andy know you want to go and give him a cheque for £70 or £50 made out to Manx Harriers by Sunday 29/01/17. Accommodation final costs will be sorted immediately after 29/01 and you can pay for the hotel before we travel by Thursday 16/02/17.
If parents wish to come with their child they will be charged the senior rates, however, I can only release seats when I know no athletes wish to use them.
All the best,
(626415/495830/UK 07717092285 – I am off IOM between evening of 17/02 and 23/02/17 so use UK number if you have an issue near to the race)
Other contacts for me – andy.fox@sch.im or andycfox@outlook.com
61, Brunswick Road, Douglas, IM2 3NW.