Manx Harriers are again organising a supported off Island trip to the Blackpool Open Medal Meeting on Saturday 1 April 2017 and then to the Warrington Open Medal Meeting on Sunday 2 April 2017.
The cost of the trip will be approx. £110.00 for members however a subsidy will be applied for competing athletes and officials. This covers return boat, coach and two nights bed & breakfast.
We will travel to Liverpool on the Mannanan departing Friday afternoon 31 March 2017 at 15.00 hrs arriving 17.45 hrs. (Meet in the Sea Terminal at 13.45 hrs and report to Petra). We will then travel by coach to the hotel (yet to be confirmed). The coach will depart on Saturday morning from the hotel and take us to the track in Blackpool, and on the Saturday evening will return to the hotel. On the Sunday morning the coach will depart from the hotel and take us to the track in Warrington, and on the Sunday evening the coach will take us to Liverpool for the 19.45 hrs return sailing on the Mannanan to Isle of Man, arriving at 22.00 hrs.
This trip is for Under 11’s to Seniors (male & female). If you are interested in this trip, please email Petra in the first instance and then forward a non refundable deposit of £50.00 to secure your place, cheques made payable to Manx Harriers. Please send to: Petra Atchison, Ballasaig Farm, Maughold, Isle of Man. IM7 1BJ.
If you have any queries please contact Petra by email on grantandpetra@manx.net or mobile 202394.
The entry form for Blackpool is here
Entry form for Warrington to follow.