Manx Harriers have organised a bag pack on Saturday 10 June 2017 at Shoprite, Victoria Road to raise much needed Club funds.
There are three sessions times and we will require at least 10 people per session to maximise this great opportunity during TT week. The more people that help out the less each of you will have to do.
The sessions are :
9:30 to 12:30
12:30 to 2:20
2:30 to 5:30
Children aged 14 and under must be accompanied by an adult. (Adult will be expected to pack the bag)
If you have taken part in training, track & field league, YDL, Northern League, indoor trips, cross country trips, r
ace walking trips then you will have benefited from Manx Harriers funding please give a little time to make sure we can continue with these and perhaps put even more on for your benefit.
Please contact Tonya Corrin on Tonyac@manx.net to let her know which session you can help at.