Manx Harrier James Bassett travelled to Bury St Edmunds to compete in the Race Walking Association National 100 Mile event held on the 5 – 6 August 2017.
James has had 9 years to attain his centurion badge (those who have completed 100 miles of walking inside 24 hours) and on this occasion was not only successful in doing so, but finishing in 21:24:38 and 5th position overall behind 2 Belgian and 2 Australian walkers.
He was also the first UK walker to finish, taking the National 100 Mile title and became one of 15 new centurions in the race which had 23 finishers of the 41 that started. James was clearly delighted with his unexpected victory.
Well done James!
Place Bib Name YoB Gender AG Club Nationality Laps Miles Time Centurion no
100 Mile
- 136 Guido Vermeir 1958 m Male 55-59 Belgium 50 100 20:39:35,36 C1099
- 127 Justin Scholz 1974 m Male 40-44 Australia 50 100 21:04:53,19 C1173*
- 128 Sharon Scholz 1976 f Female 40-44 Australia 50 100 21:04:53,65 C1174 *
- 101 Peter Asselman 1980 m Male 35-39 Belgium 50 100 21:11:07,24 C1148
- 102 James Bassett 1976 m Male 40-44 Manx Harriers Isle of Man 50 100 21:24:38,69 C1175*
- 107 Sandra Brown 1949 f Female 65-69 Surrey Walking Club United Kingdom 50 100 21:44:15,24 C735
- 135 Frank van Der Gulik 1977 m Male 35-39 Netherlands 50 100 21:56:14,55 C1022
- 134 Chris Van Cauwenberghe 1964 m Male 50-54 Belgium 50 100 22:19:25,96 C1139
- 103 Jack Bertrums 1963 m Male 50-54 Netherlands 50 100 22:20:42,47 C1142
- 143 Hardeep Minhas 1958 m Male 55-59 Leicester Walking Club United Kingdom 50 100 22:37:59,60 C1776*
- 108 Richard Brown 1946 m Male 70+ Surrey Walking Club United Kingdom 50 100 22:48:54,45 C760
- 125 Gustaaf Salu 1949 m Male 65-69 Belgium 50 100 23:01:40,07 C1177*
- 124 Adrie Ros 1962 m Male 50-54 Netherlands 50 100 23:05:02,52 C1178*
- 113 Gabriel Farmer 1957 m Male 60-64 United Kingdom 50 100 23:08:56,01 C1179*
- 139 Martin Vos 1969 m Male 45-49 Netherlands 50 100 23:13:34,95 C1180*
- 126 Hein Sanders 1964 m Male 50-54 Netherlands 50 100 23:17:59,62 C1181*
- 114 Martin Fisher 1962 m Male 55-59 Redcar Race Walking Club United Kingdom 50 100 23:31:11,65 C788
- 141 Jean-Baptiste Bernard 1962 m Male 55-59 France 50 100 23:33:48,58 C1182*
- 111 Joyce Crawford 1967 f Female 50-54 Eastern Masters AC United Kingdom 50 100 23:42:22,37 C1183*
- 144 Jos van de Wyngaert 1983 m Male 30-34 Belgium 50 100 23:48:31,79 C1184*
- 117 Arie Kandelaars 1964 m Male 50-54 Netherlands 50 100 23:49:27,16 C1185*
- 100 Gertrude Achterberg 1970 f Female 45-49 Netherlands 50 100 23:49:28,24 C1186*
- 112 Larissa Droogendijk 1972 f Female 45-49 Netherlands 50 100 23:52:38,56 C1187*