Manx Harriers have been very successful in this event (we have attended since 1992) over the years and we would like to see this continue with individuals and teams coming to race in 2019.
This year we are following the plan regarding travel to the Lancashire Cross Country that we used last year for the first time so read very carefully as the arrangements are different from 2 years ago..
The racing takes place on Saturday 5th January with the first races (usually under 11) off at 11am. The older age groups take place later in the day with the Senior Men usually last to start at 2/2.30pm.
Arrangements the same as usual –
As ever Manx Harriers will be booking a bus to go from Liverpool to Blackburn and back on the day of the race. Timings will be finalised nearer the date but the intention is to arrive at Blackburn by 10am and leave at approx. 4pm. The club will pay for the bus. There will be a pick up in Liverpool City centre and then at the airport.
You will be responsible for entering the race. This can be done online and also on the day. Pre race entry is cheaper than paying on the day.
Different arrangements this year –
You are free to book your own travel to and from the event. This means you can travel the night before and come back on the Saturday evening. You could make a weekend of it and travel back Sunday. Of course you could also do what the club has done in the past and travel on Saturday morning out to the race and do the trip in a day. If booking returns on the Saturday make sure you book the later flights from Liverpool i.e. after 6.30pm.
Be aware, if you book to leave the Island on Saturday Morning the bus cannot wait indefinitely if your flight is delayed. If a delay occurs the bus may have to leave without you and perhaps you then make your own way to the race. If possible you would be advised to travel Friday night to Liverpool. If you have to travel on Saturday morning then book ASAP on the early Flybe flight which leaves at 07.05 and arrives at 07.50 – presently 8pm on 22/10 the cost is £27.99 single. The Easyjet flight is too late for you to travel on.
So get booking ASAP so you get the best deals.
Once booked let Andy Fox know, andycfox@outlook.com or 495830, the following –
- That you have entered and your age group, so we can plan for teams.
- Which flights you are on – Day, time, company?
- Where you are staying? (Juniors will need parents to attend with them unless travelling on the Saturday in a day trip when a club official will travel with you)
- Your full address and post code.
The bus will do a pick up in Liverpool Centre on Saturday morning for any staying there and also at the airport. It will then travel to Blackburn. On the return it will drop off at the Airport and then in Liverpool City Centre.
The club has agreed sponsorship per athlete of £50 Seniors and £70 Juniors. The extra for juniors is a contribution towards parents travelling with their children. The amount of sponsorship will be distributed in cash will be in cash and in person over the weekend or possibly on return to IOM. So do share with me your address (see above).
Please pass on all details to me, your flights, which hotel, which pick up on Saturday, where to drop you on Saturday after the event, age group, address etc. – Andy Fox 495830 or andycfox@outlook.com by Sunday 18th November.
This arrangement worked well in 2018 and so we have decided to use it again in 2019.
Please be aware that in order to qualify for sponsorship by the club you must be a first claim member of Manx Harriers. If your membership has lapsed then pay up ASAP.
More details about the Lancs trip will be forwarded nearer to the time listing who is in our party, which hotels, where bus pickups take place etc.
There will also be a party of athletes from the club attending the North of England Championships on 26th January and the English National Championships in London on 23rd February 2019. More details to follow in the next few weeks.
For more details and information about the Lancashire Champs and other XC trips this winter please contact me.
All the best.
You can contact Andy Fox, on 495830 or andycfox@outlook.com if you need more information.