The Winter Walking League is a series of five race walks which run through the winter months at various Island locations starting on 28th October with the final event in February. The League is aimed at race walkers of all levels, though with it being handicapped, it tends to favour those who are improving their fitness and race walking technique. It is a great marker for all athletes wanting to see how their fitness is improving throughout the winter.
Round 1 – October 28th – NSC perimeter roadway, Douglas (sign on at Manx Harriers clubhouse from 9.15 am) 10.00 am start (closed road course).
Round 2 – November 25th – Andreas Village (sign on tbc. from 9.15 am) 10.00 am start (*open roads course).
Round 3 – December 16th – Ramsey Mooragh –10.am. start (*open roads course) sign on at Ramsey Rugby club from 9.15 am.
(Don’t forget Christmas social and raffle after Round 3 details to be confirmed.)
+ 2 rounds in January/February 2019 – dates and venues to be confirmed after fixtures meeting.
Round 1 is a scratch start with handicaps being worked out after this round for subsequent rounds.
The main league event is over 10km distance but there is a supporting 5km league and junior league at 3km, 2km or 1km depending on age of junior walkers.
* Please note that competitors should wear high viz clothing or bibs on open roads courses. Note also that for the safety of competitors, the wearing of headphones on open roads courses is not permitted.
Entry fees are £5 per round for athletic club members or £7 for unattached walkers and junior entries £1
Competitors are expected to comply with I.A.A.F. walking rules and will be judged on A. rules (i.e. straight leg and contact rule both apply) and appointed judge’s decision will be final. Look on the Manx Harriers Training Page for help and coaching on race walking technique and training offered by licensed Manx Harriers coaches.