Hi everyone,
I hope you have had a great season so far and that the rest of the summer goes well for you. I guess many will be going on holiday and taking a break at some stage soon ready to start training again in September/October. Enjoy your break and come back refreshed and ready for the challenges ahead.
In this chat I cover a few topics – Island Games, Night at the Whacky Races Fundraiser, The Athletics Season so far, Training over the summer, North of England Road Relays, Lancashire XC Champs, Requests for help with events and finally events coming up.
Obviously in such a document I cannot cover all events and performances so please do not be upset if you feel I have missed something. The website has a great deal of information on it as does the IOM Athletics site and also both groups on Facebook.
My last point in this intro is about the Fundraiser in mid-October. Please do your utmost to get to it. The event will be great fun and also it should raise a good amount to go towards club funds. Remember all that is raised goes towards athletes and promoting our sport so it is all in a very good cause.
I think that is it. I hope you find this chat a little bit interesting and also useful.
All the best,
Island Games – Gibraltar 2019
What a Games! Team Isle of Man topped the athletics Medal table and our athletes were involved in many of these podium performances as well so more great PBs and valuable experience gained. All of this will help our athletes over time and I am sure we will see the standard of athletics go from strength to strength as a result. I will not single out names but if you check out the IOM Athletics and Dave Griffiths Island Games Facebook pages you can pick up all of the info about performances and much more. All I will say is well done Team Isle of Man and in particular the Manx Harriers who competed – we are very proud of you all!
Manx Harriers Race Night Friday 18th October 2019
More details will come out soon but this event takes place at Vagabonds Clubhouse at the Sports Fields near the hospital. It is a race night with a difference as all of the races are Whacky Races and have been filmed by ourselves!!! Many athletes both young and old will have taken part as well as committee members and it should prove fun watching them doping obstacle races among many other events. As usual you bet on the outcome (no one will know which race is which beforehand) and can win on the night.
There will also be fun events for children on the night as this is a family evening.
More details will come out in September so pencil the date in and be ready to sponsor races, horses, riders etc before the event as well.
The Track and Field Season So far
It seems to have been a great one up to now. While the local season is over there are still the North of England Champs to go as well as the British Champs at the end of August and also the European Veterans Champs in September as well as the World Champs in Doha. The Isle of Man Youth Development team did very well in their League and the Senior team has their final match today as I write this chat. Both teams have been exceptional and of course Manx Harriers athletes have had much to do with this.
The Isle of Man Champs last weekend were very successful from what I could see. Many great performances and PBs were recorded as well as some which will figure high up in the UK rankings. So well done one and all on your season so far but remember the old saying you are as good as your last competition is wrong – you are as good as your next competition. So do not rest on your laurels, train hard, be organised and let’s see even more success in the future.
Training over Summer
Training continues through the summer but with some alterations. The main ones are below but do keep an eye out for certain alterations like changes on bank holidays etc.
365 Training 7 to 11 years of age – This does not take place over the holidays and will restart at some point in September. Watch for info on the website/Facebook to find out when it restarts.
365 Training 12 to 17 years of age – this will continue until the end of August but on one day only – Monday 7pm to 8.15pm. The Thursday sessions will restart in September. The Monday sessions will stop for a few weeks in September and restart indoors at St. Ninian’s Lower School, Bemahague.
Junior Middle Distance Squad – this will end on 17th August and restart in Early September.
Senior Endurance sessions Tuesday 6pm and Saturday 10am – these will continue over the summer but there will be a reduced group as athletes have their individual breaks when it suits their individual programmes.
Remember – check the website and Facebook to make sure all is going ahead if you are going training and on the training page you can find the coaches contact details if you are not sure.
North of England Road Relays 15th September 2019.
The Isle of Man Road Relay Championships will not be taking place this year unfortunately. As such, the club is aiming to take teams to the North of England Champs at Sport City Manchester on the 15th September 2019. You have to run in your specific age group and also be a fully paid up member of the club. Age group details are below and the information you must pass on to me by 20th August if you are going to take part. We will only take full teams to the event so of course need to know we have 3 runners in the under 15 Girls event for example if a team is to travel.
Under 13 Boys start 11.30 – Under 13 Girls start 11.35, distance 3x3100m
Under 15 Boys start 12.15 – Under 15 Girls start 12.20, distance 3x3100m
Under 17 Boys start 13.00 – Under 17 Girls start 13.05, distance 3x3700m
Women (U20, Senior and Vet) distance 4x5400m
Men (U20, Senior and Vet) distance 6x6800m
The entry is a club entry as such there is no entry fee for you to pay.
We hope to do the trip in one day – details to follow when I know how many athletes and which teams are going. Costs will be outlined at that time.
Details you need to send me on andycfox@outlook.com if keen to run –
Full Name, Date of Birth, Age Group (this summer), Registration Number
Remember reply to Andy ASAP but in particular by 20th August at the latest.
Lancashire Cross Country Champs 4th January 2020.
More details can be found here. We want as many athletes in different age groups to travel and compete as possible so do give this event your full consideration. The racing is usually at Witton Park Blackburn and we expect it to be the same venue this year.
If looking to book travel our advice is travel off Island on Friday 3rd. January. Book all flights via Liverpool if wanting to travel on the club bus. You can return on Saturday 4th. But book the Flybe flight which is the latest to leave Liverpool. Do not book the Easyjet return on Saturday as the flight is too early for the bus to return in time. Only book Easyjet if not using the Club bus for transport.
It is possible to do the trip in a day by travelling off IOM on the Flybe flight – the earliest flight off IOM on the 4th. January. Again do not book the Easyjet Flight as it leaves too late for the club bus to wait. We would advise you do not travel off IOM on the Saturday as the bus cannot wait beyond 8.45/9am as it will mean we arrive late in Blackburn. If you have to get this flight then be aware you may have to make your own way from the airport to the venue. Hopefully this will not happen but flight delays are always possible!!!
Most will return on Sunday 6th January – any flight is OK.
What you have to do now –
Book your flights, book hotel (Andy has booked some hotel space in central Liverpool Friday and Saturday contact him to see if this is available to you), enter online when the entry is open, check on http://www.lancsaa.co.uk/index.html
Please be aware that the website details and entry is not up to date as yet for this event!
You can enter the champs on the day but it is more expensive.
The club will sponsor this event – more details to follow – you pay up front and the club will reimburse to the level the committee agree.
Help Running Events Required
Please do consider helping with these events if you have time. Without volunteers and marshals our sport cannot thrive and events will not take place which would be such a shame.
Foxdale 6 on 15th August
I notice Chris Cale has put out a request for volunteers on Facebook to help with the Foxdale 6 road Race in the ‘No Rest for the Wicked’ week of running. This event is a Manx Harriers event so help from members would be much appreciated. The event takes place on Thursday 15th August. If you can help for an hour or two do contact Chris on Facebook, he has placed a post on the Manx Harriers site, or on chriscale@manx.net and upandrunning@manx.net
Castletown 100 Mile Walking Race 17th and 18th August
If you are able to help with this event over the weekend then the race starts at 2pm on Saturday and finishes at 2pm on Sunday with the venue the town centre in Castletown. Help is still needed so contact the organisers on 100@manx.net to find out how you can volunteer. More details can be found on Facebook with details posted by Steve Taylor.
Manx Xtreme Triathlon
I received this request from a member for help with this event –
Would it be possible to ask our members if anyone can help Manx Tri Club with their Manx Xtreme Triathlon the weekend 28/29 September, perhaps on website, Facebook page or email to our members? The details are as follows:
They are looking for marshals to assist at this event and wondered whether our club members may be interested in coming along to help out at the race. All our marshals will receive a customised Crew T-shirt and Jacket as well as a packed lunch (on race day). They will need help with registration on Friday and Saturday as well as marshals on the course on Sunday. All marshals are invited to attend the T-shirt Ceremony on Monday 30th September.
Below is a timeline for the event
Registration Friday September 27th, Villa Marina, Douglas 16:00‐18:00
Registration Saturday September 28th, Villa Marina , Douglas 10:00‐14:00
Transition Open Sunday September 29th Laxey Village Seafront 04:00
Collect GPS Sunday September 29th Laxey Village Seafront (this can be done by support crew) 04:00‐06:00
Board coaches to swim Sunday September 29th Laxey Village Seafront 05:00
Manxman Race start Sunday September 29th from Ferry 06:00
Transition Closed Sunday September 29th Laxey Village Seafront 06:30
Cut off at T2A Laxey Wheel Sunday 29th September 20:30
Finish Line Cut off Sunday 29th September 23:00
Manxman Shop Opens Monday September 30th, Villa Marina, Douglas 10:00
T‐Shirt Ceremony Monday September 30th, Villa Marina, Douglas 11:00
Brunch Monday September 30th, Villa Marina, Douglas 12:00‐14:00
If any club members would be interested they would love to hear from them and if they have any questions regarding the event please let Diane Ford know at manx@cxtri.com
Events Coming Up
11/08 No Rest for the Wicked Week
15/08 Foxdale 6 Road race
30/08 Multi Event Taster – IOMA, NSC
01/09 20km Walk Championships
07/09 Trail Run
15/09 North of England Road Relay Championships. Manchester
End to End Walk
22/09 Peel to Douglas Trail Run
28/09 Junior Fell Running Champs
29/09 One Hour Walking Challenge
13/10 Law Trust IOM XC Lge. 1, Castle Rushen High School
18/10 Whacky Races, Vagabonds Clubhouse, Douglas
This is a list of Manx Harriers events or ones our teams are going to and a few others. For a full list of fixtures please visit http://www.iomathletics.com/competitions/fixtures/