The Welbeck Hotel & Restaurant One Hour Novice Racewalk Challenge (and half hour challenge and shorter distances for younger age groups) takes place on Sunday October 6th.
Walkers challenge themselves to doing as many laps of the perimeter roadway at the National Sports Centre for an hour duration. The event is aimed primarily at newcomers and novices and prizes are awarded to the furthest distances walked by the first three novice walkers and is an ideal start point for those thinking of taking part in the winter league walks.
Signing on will be at Manx Harriers’ Clubhouse, N.S.C. Douglas from 9.00 for a 10.00am start. (parking in the car park adjacent to the clubhouse as the roadway will be closed to traffic).
Entry fee £5 for seniors and £2 for children in full time education.
Main prizes are for novice or newcomers in both the hour and ½ hour (as determined by Manx Harriers Walking Committee)
Tea, coffee, cold drinks and friendly conversation included in the entry fee and all walkers will be made welcome.