We hope all members of the club, their families and friends are well and are coping positively in the present crisis. Life is certainly different from only a month ago and could remain much as it is now for quite some time to come. We hope everyone takes care and stays safe at this difficult time.
Having said that we have to look at life and our sport in the “glass is half full” way as it would be so easy to get despondent looking at the lack of training opportunities, races cancelled or leagues suspended etc. We will come through this situation and hopefully can do so stronger, more committed and more motivated than before. So in this message we will tell you a little about membership, what we are looking to do to reduce the financial burden on families and individuals, training opportunities as well as the possibility of restarting normal service in the future at some point.
Please read the whole message as hopefully you will find more than one area of use to you at this time.
So here goes:
Thank you to all those who have paid their membership already. We very much appreciate this as it does give the club more in the way of financial security with things to pay for eg. Clubhouse, rates etc. In addition the cancellation of races does leave us with a financial burden we have to carry as well for the time being. Rest assured we will claim back what we can from UKA’s insurance which has been extended to cover this crisis.
We will not chase up membership at this stage but would ask that if later in the summer you feel able to pay then please do so. If of course this is not possible we will understand and when racing/competition resumes perhaps we can discuss this further at that time.
All details regarding membership and how to pay can be found on the membership pages on the club website. Jenny Dowling is the contact and her email etc can be found on the same pages!
Race Entry fees For Paid Up Members
We propose that once racing/competition begins again we will reduce all race fees for our members in our club organised events. This means the Walks League, Murray Lambden event, Trail races etc. With regards XC we will have to work with the IOMA but will be seeking a reduction in costs there for paid up club members for all Athletics Clubs on IOM. More details to follow on this when we know the probable time that racing might begin.
Training fees – (for the Autumn hopefully)
Presently we do not have any charges for coaching as members have to pay to use the track in summer and we are not looking to book out the track apart from for competition nights. However, this present situation could continue into the Autumn. As such, we will look to reduce the indoor fee (which pays for use of the hall at SNHS Lower School) from £2 to £1 for the winter 2020/21 season. If you feel able and happy to pay £2 then please do so but £1 will be acceptable.
Please note that the club has a process for anyone who is in real financial difficulties and finding it impossible to pay for future competition etc. If this is the case and maybe you have a number of children as well as yourself competing then please contact our Treasurer Ray Cox on racox1961@yahoo.comor on 494923. He will run through with you what we can do as a club to lessen the financial blow to you with regards the family’s involvement in athletics at this difficult time. We want to encourage participation and do not feel finances should get in the way so give Ray a call or email.
As you know The Easter Festival was Cancelled last weekend and the Parish Walk has also been Cancelled In June. All track Leagues are suspended as are all Championship races, Road, Trail and Fell events as well as Race Walking competitions.
With regards races with pre entry i.e. the Parish and Easter Festival the club is in the process of returning all entry fees by cheque. You should receive these in the next few weeks. With regards the Up and Running Track and Field league for under 7, 9 and 11 athletes it is presently suspended, however, we hope to make a decision in the next few weeks regarding whether it will happen at all this summer. At that time we will inform parents what is happening and refund entry fees as required. This will probably be the case and May should be the time we can ensure these refunds take place. For parents and families affected please watch this space carefully over the next few weeks.
UK Athletics has told clubs to prepare for a possible start-up of Track and Field competition in September. To this end they have stipulated that Championship races and Open events on the track should take preference. I have to say that our committee is dubious as to whether this will actually happen. We believe it is more likely that events might start up again later in the Autumn and so the track season will probably not happen at all in 2020. The events below are those already timetabled for September which may have to move or be cancelled if the present situation persists or if space has to be made for the IOM Track and Field Champs or an Open event. Obviously this will also need discussion with the IOMA.
05/09 Multi Events Champs – 2 days – IOMA event
06/09 20km Walks Champs – MH event
13/09 Peel to Douglas Trail Run – MH event
04/10 Hour walk challenge – MH Event
11/10 IOM XC 1 – IOMA event
As a club we will keep a close eye on what is happening and let you know over the summer how this situation progresses and what is ACTUALLY going to happen!
Coaches are working with their groups online and setting programmes etc –
Peter Kaneen – Jumpers
John Whitlow – Throwers, High Jumpers and Pole Vaulters
Allan Callow and others – Race Walking
Andy Fox – Senior Endurance group and Junior Endurance group
Niall McGarrigle – 365 junior athletics
At present we do not have a level two or above sprints coach so if you need any help please contact Andy Fox.
Contact details for all coaches can be found on the Training Page.
Please be aware that the coaching days and times listed are now out of date as they are the winter training times. If training restarts earlier than the Autumn this page will be updated at the relevant time.
Niall has placed on Manx Harriers Facebook page a set of training videos from UK Athletics called Funetics. These are really good for younger athletes so parents do have a good look at them. Try to use a variety of them in each session you try to organise at home in the garden.
Make sure you try and follow this pattern in any training session –
Warm up
- Stretches – try to cover all areas – shoulders, arms, middle/waist, thighs, hamstrings, calves, ankles
- Jog – 4 or 5 mins is better than nothing, 8 or 10 mins even better. No space in the garden to jog far then jog on the spot or skip – have you got a rope or old bit of washing line – all can be used it does not have to have handles and cost £6!!!
- Drills – the youngsters should know what drills to do but lets give some examples to help mums and dads set this up. Try to do each over 6 to 10m whatever you have available in your garden or garage, also do 2 or 3 of each drill –
- Slow Motion High Knees
- Flicks (flicking heels up at back to bottom – short steps, fast feet)
- High Knees (bring knees up to Waist height, short steps, fast feet, stay tall)
- 6 lunges in a line 3 on each side
- 6 sumos in a line 3 on each side (basically a squat)
- Jolly feet – straight legs on tip toes – need to do 20m or so maybe do these around the garden, be careful on corners.
- Skipping (no rope) – forwards 20m or round garden then similar skipping backwards.
- Try cross overs – if they do not know what these are leave them for now!
- Strides – if you have space in garden or maybe on pavement outside house or a quiet space near home – 3 or four 10 sec to 16 sec strides – if you do not have space see
We hope to have some video footage posted of what to do with drills soon!
- Choose between 6 and 8 of the exercises in Funetics – some require a great deal of repetition some you would do once or twice – it should be obvious!
Cool Down
- Finish off with a cool down jog or skip and then a few stretches to finish off – if you have done a fair bit of running then hamstring and calf stretches are the main ones needed.
This pattern should ensure athletes are ready to train and then cool down properly so the aim is no injuries etc.
Andy will try to publish a video or two to show the drills so you know what you are aiming at! Please allow time for this to happen as it has failed up to now online. You could contact me Whatsapp 495830 and I can forward the videos on that platform!
We will publish next week a virtual Sports hall Pentathlon Competition you can do in your garden. More details to follow but this should give a challenge to all junior athletes and also prepare for the possible return of competition later in the summer or Autumn. Watch this space next week for this exciting initiative!!!
Motivation and Reflection
The present crisis has had a big effect on normal life. Keeping a semblance of your daily routine is really helpful. Try to keep a routine going of training and keeping healthy. Think and reflect upon what you might need to do to improve – maybe a runner needs to work on upper body strength or a thrower their general fitness. Try to think what you can do about this and if unsure ask one of our coaches or email me and I will find the answer for you. If you can stay motivated, and training, then hopefully that will help you cope and come through this pandemic. But remember you are not alone – your club wants, and is, able to help!
Social Distancing
A message for all senior walkers and runners out training. The Social Distancing rules suggest 2m between individuals. Some information online is suggesting that this is not enough in the case of people running or cycling. It seems there is no basis in Scientific Fact for this, however, play safe, try to give as much space between you and others as is possible and if it can be more than 2m then please do that. If we as a club set a good example and our athletes have been very thoughtful and cooperative then I feel that will be good in the long run for all concerned.
Well I think that is it. I hope you find this information useful. Watch this space over time for more information regarding future competition, refunds, training, club events etc.
Take care and stay safe.
All the best,
Andy Fox
On behalf of Manx Harriers Committee April 2020.