Hello everyone – I hope this message finds you and your family well and looking forward to the rest of the summer. Things have changed greatly over the last 12 weeks or so and we are in a much better place on the island than we were when the pandemic first hit us. We now have the resumption of competition taking place, as well as training, and of course life in general on the island is getting back to normal. When looking across the water to the UK, and also other parts of the world, I feel we should count our blessings as the old saying goes.
In this message you will find information about training and competitions. Please use it to help inform you as to what is available from the club presently and also the world of athletics on the island this summer.
So here goes –
The fixture list has been has been re-written for the months June, July, August and September. The assumption is that events will be organised as the original 2020 fixture list from October onwards. This is available on here
This means we now have 3 Manx Harriers Up and Running Junior Track and Field League (under 11 years down wards) events on Thursday evening through the summer on 30/07, 20/08 and 27/08.
There is also the Newfield Senior League (under 13s upwards) on Wednesday evenings on 05/08, 19/08 and 02/09.
In addition there is a Multi Events Champs for under 13s and 15s on Saturday 22nd August, a track champs 10km walk and run on the 24th August, the Isle of Man T&F Champs on 12th and 13th September and weather permitting the Manx Harriers T&F Champs on 19th and 20th September.
Following the leagues there will be presentation evenings etc. please look out online for details.
The reason I have listed these is that they are the main changes to fixtures apart from some events being added to the summer fixtures which were missed earlier in the pandemic. Do check the attached fixtures document and check with clubs online that all is going ahead. We do not have a crystal ball – all looks good at present – let us hope it stays that way!
Training and Coaching
As you will be aware we have been through many changes as coaching has come back on stream. We went from seniors only allowed to train in small groups, then groups of up to 30 and now basically we are back to where we were before lockdown. Please ensure you bring the following with you to training –
Hand sanitizer and or anti-bacterial wipes
Water for rehydration
£2.10 – the junior fee for using the track paid to the NSC staff at the track entrance! (unless you are an NSC member)
Keep all in a bag and use them regularly during the training session. One of our few weapons against Covid19 is hygiene so it is important we all keep this up at this time.
Coaches should keep a register for each session.
Our training plan is also attached to this document. It does not look very different to before lockdown but there is one big difference – basically there is only one 365 session per week for each age group now. This is on a Thursday. The only exception to this is when there is an Up and Running Junior League T&F meeting on a Thursday in which case training has moved to a Monday for that week only. Again this is not always the case as on one Monday there is a race on the track so no training that day! The relevant days training is on Monday are listed below –
Monday | Thursday |
Train 16/07 | |
Train 23/07 | |
Train 27/07 | 30/07 T&F Meet |
Train 06/08 | |
Train 13/08 | |
Train 17/08 | 20/08 T&F Meet |
No Training due to race | 27/08 T&F Meet |
Train 03/09 | |
Train 10/09 |
Decision to be made by this time regarding coaching sessions as the winter schedule will start soon!
Please check the training and coaching plan document carefully and it will run as it is listed here until mid-September when it will alter for the winter.
In addition you will find attached to this document the Covid 19 risk assessment which has not changed and the guidance for parents, coaches and athletes document which has altered slightly to say parents do not have to stay at the track during sessions but we do ask that they ensure their children get to and from the track safely.
New Sessions in Plan –
Waiting room session Wednesdays 5.30pm to 6.30pm at the track
This session was running before lockdown and has started up again. It is for youngsters who are on the 365 waiting list. NSC charge of £2.10 applies.
Social Running Group – Mondays 6.30pm to 7.30pm at the Clubhouse
This group is for any runner who is new to the sport or wants to get or keep fit. The idea is we all have a run then a chat and a cuppa afterwards. All are welcome.
I think I have covered all I needed to. A great deal of work has gone into making all of the above happen in both competition and training. I would like to thank all of our officials, committee members, coaches and volunteers for getting things going again. Please do support your club and make the most of the opportunities you have on the Isle of Man – we are very lucky compared to many around the world that we are able to carry on very much as we always have done.
All the best,
Andy Fox
Chairperson Manx Harriers.