Monday 28th September sees the new schedule of Manx Harriers coaching and training sessions under way for the winter season. Over 30 sessions are available over the week for ages from 7 to 70+. There really is something for everyone.
Having said that we have had to cut back on some of our junior training sessions due to losing some of our coaches to the programme since lockdown. To this end if any parents or senior athletes would like to become coaches or act as volunteers please do contact our coaching co-ordinator – Andy Fox on 495830 or andycfox@outlook.com
This chart and notes tells you what is available and which coach to contact if attending a throws, walks, jumps or middle distance session! Do contact the coaches and arrange to go to the relevant session for the training and coaching you need.
365 Training Programme for Juniors
This is where we have seen the major changes due to losing some of our coaching capacity. We will be carrying on as this summer with one session per week for each age group. Please see the below for when children of different ages should attend coaching –
Under 9s – so 7 and 8 years old
Mondays 6pm to 7pm at SNHS Lower School Sports Hall, Bemahague.
Cost £2 paid to the club for hire of the hall on each night.
Under 11s – 9 and 10 years old
Mondays 7pm to 8pm at SNHS Lower School Sports Hall, Bemahague.
Cost £2 paid to the club for hire of the hall on each night.
Under 13s – 11 and 12 years old
Thursdays 6pm to 7pm at the NSC Track.
Cost £2.10 paid to the NSC staff at the trackside office.
Under 15s+ – 13 to 16 years old
Thursdays 7pm to 8.15pm at the NSC Track.
Cost £2.10 paid to the NSC staff at the trackside office.
The Waiting List.
There is a waiting list for the 365 sessions above. You cannot just enrol your child into the sessions. You need to contact Andy on 495830 or andycfox@outlook.com he will then place your child on the waiting list. They will need to be 7 to attend a 365 session. However, he will be running waiting room sessions over the winter to give all children a taste of athletics and hopefully over time children from these sessions will fill spaces that appear in the main 365 sessions.
Waiting Room Sessions – Wednesdays 4pm to 5pm at the NSC track.
Cost £2.10 paid to the NSC staff at the trackside office.
Notes –
- The coaching is free.
- Athletes are asked to bring with them water and hand sanitiser as well as tissues in a small bag.
- When training at the NSC on a Thursday or Wednesday make sure you bring a shower proof coat and some warm clothing – check out the weather forecast before coming training!
- Athletes in the Under 15+ programme are encouraged to train more than once a week. Contact the relevant coaches and attend a jumps or walks or throws or middle distance session – whichever area you feel you are best suited to!!! To do this see the table and notes attached – you need to contact the coach first.
A question for parents about the 365 programme.
How do you know which session to send your child to?
All parents of children who are members of Manx Harriers will receive an email over the weekend which lists the children in each session. Please study this carefully. This is to ensure we start off in the correct sessions etc. Over time as we decide to move children, or correct errors, then spaces may appear for children to come out of the waiting room etc.
Parents – please check your junk files as large emails may go there rather than your usual inbox.
If you do not receive an email then ring Andy to discuss joining the club and also which session your child should attend.
I think that covers all we need to say at this stage. Hopefully we will see many of you at training and also in the Cross Country League which sees the first event take place on the 11th October organised by Manx Harriers.
Andy Fox.